Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Anglicans start to grow a pair?

No offence meant to fellow bloggers such as Archbishop Cranmer or The Sectarian Strand (see sidebar) or to The Archbishop Of York Dr John Sentamu or the Bishop Of Rochester Right Reverend Dr Michael James Nazir-Ali and other Anglicans like them, who (it seems to me) are always prepared to put their faith above political correctness and expediency.

The Times reports on the Anglican hierarchy sending a letter in support of the Catholic stance over the Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs see yesterday). The support of Dr John Sentamu whilst welcome, doesn't surprise me, it is unusual to find Dr Williams the Archbishop of Canterbury embroiling himself; quite whether this a reflection of him being worried about being left behind (I suppose we could run a "No Archbishop Left Behind" campaign) or a genuine realisation that Christian belief and political correctness are incompatible remains to be seen.

In any event according to report, Blair and Kelly are turning on the horns of a dilemma and the cabinet (lefties keen to promote a perverse vision of a politically correct "family") are showing no signs of backing down.

Whilst I'm against the SORs, both for moral and practical reasons, if they are passed without any religious exemptions, there will be benefits. The Anglican Church isn't the only one riddled with leftie surrender monkeys, the Catholic Church has it's fair share too, although they tend to be less publicly vociferous; it has always been my view that socialism and Christianity are incompatible, but these lefties have been a cross that we've had to bear.

If the state adopts the route as appears likely, then it will be clear to all that Christian belief isn't compatible with the socialist state which in turn will enable Christians to take more accurate theological political positions on many matters. The leftie priest won't be able to talk about "social justice" and "recommend" a position that ultimately leads to theological incompatibility, as that incompatibility will be visible from the outset.

If Labour continues down this route, they'll force Christians into politics as Christians.

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