Monday, January 22, 2007

I warn you ... do not grow old ...

The Daily Mail informs us of our "envy of the world" care for the elderly program.

You should read it yourselves, but some "highlights" include: "... some are given just a single scoop of mash as a meal"

"Other bedridden pensioners are 'tortured' with trays of food placed just out of their reach."

Whilst I have a great deal of sympathy for the suffering of those concerned, I regard this as an inevitable consequence of state run care and socialism. Take the system of National Insurance, people pay in, not for money for themselves, but to provide care for others; the idea being that when their turn comes, they get care from the payments of other people are making. This is so wrong in many ways (aside from being ultimately unsustainable), people should be responsible for providing for themselves and the state should be out of it. Everyone who stops to think about National Insurance would soon come to realise the problems, but people have accepted this system without question and without thought. The easy wide road, let the state worry about it, spare me from responsibility. Now the system they supported and accepted is starving them; well you should have known better.

You shouldn't have been fooled by the empty promises of socialism, you should have examined the system harder, kept it in check, ensured there was enough to pay you out.

All debts, have to be paid, and virtue is it's own reward. You have no entitlement to a reward merely for having lived to a point requiring care, if you haven't made provision (no National Insurance despite its name doesn't count) then that is what you should expect - starvation.

Of course there's no choice we all have to pay into this corrupt and stupid pot, but that doesn't mean we have to be fooled by it, or that we shouldn't demand its abolition.

Well my readers this is how the state treats you, you pay in money, and when you want to collect, well, you can starve to death for the privilege. Look how much freer people in the third world are, there you can starve without having to pay.

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