Friday, January 26, 2007

More gun crime

The Times give us some Home Office figures on gun crime. It's comforting to know that with the present state of the Home Office, these figures must be wrong. Everyone knows that handguns (the criminals favourite) have been banned in the UK for quite some time now, and given they've been banned, how can criminals get them? That would be illegal! Oh wait that's what criminals do, didn't seem to occur to anyone when they wanted to ban guns though did it?

More related news from the Telegraph h/t to An Englishman's Castle; here the police no doubt upset at charges being dropped against a 74 year old pensioner who shot a 22 year old burglar in the leg.

"Police chiefs have urged householders not to confront intruders, but to call 999 and lock themselves in safely until help arrives." Oh what great advice, the police can't bear the thought of people actually defending themselves and standing up to crime. After all if they can't do it, why should anyone else?

I always used to support the idea and concept of the police, but that isn't what we've got anymore. What we have is a great turkey army called the police, the only reason they're called officers is because they sit in an office all day. You could probably abolish the police and the majority of people wouldn't notice, except of course crime would go down as without the police to interfere and arrest and charge householders defending their property, the risk to the criminal would be ever so much greater.

The only ray of light in the Telegraph article comes from the judge: The judge said that he had "sensibly" armed himself with a shotgun and no one could criticise him for what he did. "It is only a pity that charges were considered against him," he added.

Compare them with the police: "If the intruder steals some of your property, that's far better than someone getting killed. Ring police and secure yourself and your family..." Just remember, if the police don't turn up or fail, they're not liable and you could be dead.

The British Police; another once great institution ruined by socialism. Is there anything that can escape unscathed?

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